Stephenson County Fiber Art Fair

The Stephenson County Fiber Art Fair in Cedarville, Illinois (USA) is a celebration of fiber and the fiber arts with workshops, demonstrations of spinning and weaving, vendors offering fibers for spinning plus finished yarn, dyes, books, gifts, equipment, handmade soap and baskets.  There are also supplies for spinning, weaving, knitting, felting, dyeing, tatting and crochet.  The event is held in April each year. 

Sign up here to receive next year's brochure!  

Give us your email to receive highlights and reminders about the upcoming event!  You'll receive e-mails from us in February, March and April - and then we will pretty much ignore you the rest of the year.  (We want our e-mails to be helpful and fun, but not so frequent that we become annoying!)

Give us your mailing address to receive a hard copy of the brochure (with the workshop list), mailed in February of each year. 

And give us both to receive a hard copy of the brochure and email highlights. 
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